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Pad Art


Throughout the filming of this documentary, I had the chance to meet a lot of women who shared with me their stories. I also participated in many women events. This project started in a Shakti celebration where women we asked to write a letter to their cycle. I was amazed by how much beauty and rawness came out on the pads that
I collected…

I decided to further this project by asking women who are part of my life, and women who have participated in the film to beautify their pad and write to their cycle.


I would like to invite you on a journey.
All you need are a bunch of colouring pencils, scissors, and imagination.
You can download the pad here: DOWNLOAD PAD, print and cut it out.
You need to design your pad…draw whatever you feel like drawing, whatever inspires you. When you complete drawing, I’d like you to think about your period (whether you still menstruate, don’t menstruate anymore, haven’t started menstruating yet) and write the words that come to your mind in the back of it.

I encourage to take some time by yourself, light a candle, light some sage, listen to this. Relax and enjoy reconnecting to yourself.
If you feel like sharing you can send me a scanned copy at: leahmanasseh@mac.com

Sending you much love!